Study Guide
Field 179: Cherokee
Sample Presentational Speaking Assignment
Recommendation for individuals using a screenreader: please set your punctuation settings to "most."
The following materials contain:
- General test directions
- Test directions for the presentational speaking assignment
- A sample presentational speaking assignment and strong response characteristics
- Performance characteristics and scoring scale
General Test Directions
This test consists of four sections. Directions for each section appear immediately before the section.
Test Directions for the Presentational Speaking Assignment
[ start bold Note to examinee: end bold These test directions are provided here to familiarize you with the directions you will see on the actual test. They may refer to features whose functionality is not enabled in this study guide. You will hear and see on the screen:]
For this section of the test, you will record a spoken response in the target language to an assignment presented on-screen.
The presentational speaking assignment will be presented on the next screen, and the screen timer in the upper right corner of the screen will count down the allotted preparation time. You will have two minutes to review the assignment and prepare your response.
When the preparation time is complete, the screen will automatically advance, and you will record your response to the assignment. Do NOT begin speaking until the screen advances and you see the recorder box presented on-screen. After 3 seconds, a tone will indicate when to begin speaking and the recorder box will show "Recording." start bold You will have two (2) minutes to record your response. end bold A sample of the recorder box appears below.
You can monitor your recording time by referring to the timer, which will count up from 00:01 to 02:00. Bars will appear with the sound of your voice while the recording is in progress.
At the conclusion of your response time, the recorder box will change to "Complete" indicating the conclusion of the assignment.
Once the recorder box shows "Complete," you may select the Next button to continue with the remainder of the test. Do NOT click start bold Next end bold until you have finished recording your response. start bold If you advance to the next screen with recording time remaining, you will not be able to go back. end bold
You will be provided with a list of topics to help direct your response to the assignment. You must address every topic on the list, but you are not limited in your response to only the points mentioned. However, your response must be relevant to the assignment, and part of your score will be based on the degree to which you elaborate by addressing the required topics and any other points of your choosing.
You may use the erasable notebooklet provided to make notes; however, start bold you will be scored only on the response that is recorded in the test. end bold
Your response to the oral expression assignment will be evaluated on the basis of the following criteria:
start bold CONTENT: end bold adequacy of the information presented, including the number of ideas, the development of ideas, and the depth and specificity of supporting details
start bold COHERENCE: end bold organization and clarity of ideas communicated
start bold GRAMMAR: end bold accuracy of grammatical and syntactic constructions (e.g., conjugation of verbs, appropriate use of tenses, subject/pronoun and article/noun agreement)
start bold VOCABULARY: end bold command of vocabulary and idiomatic expressions and appropriateness of word choice
start bold FLUENCY: end bold ability to maintain a flow of speech, without hesitation or pauses which affect the overall comprehensibility of the response
start bold PRONUNCIATION: end bold comprehensibility of articulation and the appropriateness of stress
Be sure to speak about the assigned topic. You may not use any reference materials during the test.
[You will hear and see on the screen:]
You will have only start bold and uppercase ONE end bold and uppercase opportunity to record your response. Once the recording has begun, it cannot be stopped, nor can you re-record your response.
Select the start bold Next end bold button to begin the assignment.
[You will hear and see on the screen:]
This is the end of the speaking section of the test. Please keep your headset on to continue with the listening section of the test.
Select the start bold Next end bold button to continue with the remainder of the test.
Sample Presentational Speaking Assignment
subarea roman numeral 5
Presentational Speaking
[ start bold Note to examinee: end bold During the test, you will hear and see on-screen the directions below (for complete test directions to this assignment, see above):]
start bold Read the assignment below. You have 2 minutes to review the assignment and prepare your response. Begin speaking in Cherokee at the sound of the tone. You will have 2 minutes to record your response. end bold
Imagine that you have just met a teacher from a Cherokee-speaking region who is on a two-week visit to the area where you live. You wish to give them an orientation to the local area to help make their visit as enjoyable as possible. Speaking in Cherokee, leave a message on their voice mail in which you provide them with information about the area that will help make their visit as enjoyable as possible. In your message, you start bold must end bold include, but are not limited to, the following topics:
- where to find various essential items and locations (e.g., stores and restaurants in the area);
- the best means of transportation available (e.g., buses, trains, taxis) and how to use them; and
- a description of an interesting tourist attraction (e.g., museums, parks, monuments) and why she might like it.
Strong Response Characteristics for the Presentational Speaking Assignment
A strong response to this assignment would thoroughly fulfill the purpose of the assignment and fully address the topic of providing practical information about a place to a visiting teacher to help make her visit enjoyable. The information provided should include details about where to find various essential items and locations, the best means of transportation available, and a description of an interesting local tourist attraction. Ideas presented should be well developed and elaborated, logically sequenced, well connected through appropriate cohesive devices and expressions, and consistently clear.
The response should demonstrate comprehensive command of syntax and grammar, containing only minor errors that do not interfere with the comprehensibility of ideas. The response should use a variety of verb tenses and syntactical constructions. The response should demonstrate extensive command of appropriate vocabulary and idiomatic expressions.
A strong response would be delivered with a strong flow of speech with few, if any, hesitations or pauses. Pauses in the response should be consistent with the message being delivered and not caused by uncertainty about vocabulary or sentence construction. The Cherokee pronunciation would be accurate and easily intelligible with few, if any, errors that do not interfere with communication or distract the listener from the message.
Performance Characteristics for the Presentational Speaking Assignment
The following characteristics guide the scoring of responses to the presentational speaking assignment.
Scoring Scale for the Presentational Speaking Assignment
Scores will be assigned to each response to the presentational speaking assignment according to the following scoring scale.