Study Guide

Field 133: School Psychologist 
Sample Selected-Response Questions

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General Test Directions

This test consists of two sections: 1) a section with selected-response questions and 2) a constructed-response section.

Each question in the first section is a selected-response question with four answer choices. Read each question and answer choice carefully and choose the  start uppercase ONE end uppercase  best answer.

Try to answer all questions. Even if you are unsure of an answer, it is better to guess than not to answer a question at all. You will  start uppercase NOT end uppercase  be penalized for guessing.

The second section of this test consists of one constructed-response assignment. You will be asked to provide a written response to the assignment. Directions for completing your written response to the constructed-response assignment appear immediately before the assignment.

You may  start uppercase NOT end uppercase  use any type of calculator or reference materials during the test session.

Sample Selected-Response Questions

Competency 0001 
Apply knowledge of human development and behavior.

1. Which of the following statements best illustrates the primary relationship between joint attention and vocabulary development?

  1. Directing children to speakers during conversation increases their use of more advanced words.
  2. Pointing children's gaze to objects supports the acquisition of words related to emotional states.
  3. Coordinating attention creates opportunities for children to connect meaning to spoken words.
  4. Referring to objects and actions in the environment supports children's memory for words.

Correct Response: C. Joint attention is the shared attention between two or more individuals toward a given objective or activity, and there is a mutual understanding between the individuals who are interested in the same object or activity. While engaging in joint attention, an individual communicates with another individual by shifting their eyes' gaze and looking at an object or activity and shifting their eyes' gaze back to the individual. This shared moment fosters individuals' communication and development of language skills, such as vocabulary knowledge. When speakers, such as teachers and parents/guardians, name and describe objects and activities while engaging in joint attention, they provide children with opportunities to connect spoken words with the objects and activities being referenced.

Competency 0002 
Apply knowledge of learning processes and responsive learning environments.

2. A classroom teacher notices that a student with epilepsy frequently appears drowsy, complains of headaches, and experiences diminished coordination. The teacher shares these observations with the school psychologist. Which of the following questions would be most appropriate for the psychologist to investigate first?

  1. Is the student exhibiting signs of depression or emotional disorder?
  2. Are these changes reducing the student's overall academic performance?
  3. Has the student been prescribed a new or increased dose of medication?
  4. Are these changes affecting the quality of the student's interactions with peers?

Correct Response: C. Common side effects that may occur in the first few weeks of taking a newly prescribed medication to manage epilepsy are fatigue, dizziness, or blurred vision, all of which can cause reduced motor coordination and headaches. Given that the student is exhibiting symptoms commonly associated with taking a seizure medication, the school psychologist should first inquire if the student has been prescribed a new or increased dose of a medication.

Competency 0003 
Apply knowledge of equitable practices for diverse student populations.

3. Students with disabilities are frequently underrepresented in gifted and talented programs for which of the following reasons?

  1. Students with disabilities demonstrate greater asynchrony in skill development in comparison to other students.
  2. Students with disabilities are less likely to meet the criteria required to qualify for gifted and talented programs.
  3. Students with disabilities have academic and social needs that should be addressed before expanding their strengths.
  4. Students with disabilities require supports that disqualify them from participating in gifted and talented programs.

Correct Response: A. Data indicate that students with disabilities are frequently underrepresented in gifted and talented programs. This can be attributed, at least in part, to arbitrary assessment practices that rely on single-point test scores to determine students' eligibility for gifted and talented programs. Students with disabilities demonstrate greater asynchrony in skill development in comparison to students without disabilities and for this reason, assessment practices that do not include multiple sources of data do not adequately capture their strengths and talents.

Competency 0004 
Apply knowledge of assessment principles and practices.

4. Use the information below to answer the question that follows.

Table depicting a student's scores on a test
intentionally left blank Previous Reevaluation
Current Reevaluation
Reading Composite 10 12
Oral Language Composite 20 24
Written Language Composite 8 10
Mathematics Composite 25 28

The school psychologist is comparing a high school student's scores on a recent achievement test with scores from their reevaluation from three years ago. Which of the following statements represents a valid conclusion that can be drawn from these data?

  1. The student's oral language skills continue to be their area of greatest strength.
  2. The student's overall pattern of learning strengths and needs has remained consistent.
  3. The student's growth in reading has outpaced their growth in written language.
  4. The student's overall academic achievement has improved significantly.

Correct Response: B. The student's performances on the current achievement test and previous achievement test demonstrate a pattern of learning strengths and needs that have remained consistent. Percentile ranks are derived from standard scores or scaled score, and the scores in the table are the median of a range of scores, depending on the confidence bands of the test or subtest. The student's percentile ranks on the current achievement test and previous achievement test are within a close range of standard score or scaled score performance. For example, on the Reading Composite, the student scored in the 10th and 12th percentile, corresponding with standard scores of 81 and 82 and the scaled scores of 6 and 7.

Competency 0005 
Apply knowledge of principles and practices related to data-driven decision making.

5. Use a kindergarten student's assessment data below to answer the question that follows.

Table depicting a student's scores on a test
Social Skill Never, Sometimes, Often, or Always?
responds to and greets others Sometimes
observes turn-taking rules in the classroom or social interactions Sometimes
participates in structured group activities Sometimes
responds appropriately to disappointment or frustration Never
demonstrates recognition of someone's feelings based on nonverbal cues Never
accepts/rejects invitations to join activities appropriately Sometimes

Teacher Comments: Joe enjoys playing with blocks, racing cars on the racetracks, and listening to books read aloud. He has acquired several basic concepts, such as identifying colors, shapes, numbers, and letters. Joe prefers solitary play activities and rarely engages with his peers. At times, he will observe his peers, but he does not interact with them verbally. Joe becomes upset easily and frequently cries, especially when there are unexpected changes to the schedule.

Which of the following steps would be most appropriate for the school psychologist to take after analyzing the student's data?

  1. evaluating which pragmatic language skills have and have not been acquired
  2. scheduling a multidisciplinary team meeting to determine if an initial evaluation is needed
  3. implementing an intensive intervention to promote relationship skills
  4. developing a behavior intervention plan (B I P) to support productive behavior

Correct Response: B. The questionnaire responses and teacher comments indicate that the kindergarten student demonstrates significant delays in social/emotional development and pragmatic-language development. The delays are concerning and for this reason, the school psychologist should schedule a multidisciplinary meeting to review the student's data and determine the appropriateness of an initial special-education evaluation.

Competency 0006 
Apply knowledge of how to identify academic, mental health, and behavioral challenges and implement effective interventions and supports.

6. A fourth-grade student with learning disabilities in reading and writing receives direct instruction from the special education teacher in these areas three times a week with instructional supports and accommodations. Recently, during independent tasks, the student becomes easily frustrated and upset (i.e., slamming books on the floor and refusing to complete assignments). The general education teacher has tried using time-outs, sometimes several times a day, as a consequence for these behaviors with no changes to the student's behaviors. The results of a functional behavioral assessment (F B A) conducted by the school psychologist suggest that the primary function of the student's behavior is to escape difficult academic tasks. Given this information, which of the following behavioral goals would be most appropriate to include in the student's Individualized Education Program (I E P)?

  1. The student will go to time-out no more than three times per week in a single grading period.
  2. By midyear, the student will ask for help from the teacher or a peer with difficult reading and writing assignments eight out of ten times.
  3. The student will mark a weekly consequence chart each time the time-out strategy is applied.
  4. For nine weeks, the student will be excused from reading and writing homework and given extra time to complete difficult assignments.

Correct Response: B. A goal targeting the development of self-advocacy skills, such as asking for help from a teacher or a peer, would best address the student's avoidance behavior. Fostering the development of self-advocacy skills would promote the student's recognition of their strengths and support their ability to communicate their learning needs. The student is less likely to engage in avoidance behavior, such as refusing to complete assignments, if they can recognize when they need help and know how to ask for support or clarification during challenging activities.

Competency 0007 
Apply knowledge of schoolwide practices that promote learning in the context of safe and supportive schools.

7. A high school psychologist is organizing a counseling group for students who have experienced domestic violence. Best practice in group counseling suggests that the first meeting of this group should be devoted primarily to which of the following activities?

  1. asking individual group members what goals they would like to achieve through group counseling
  2. gathering background information from individual group members regarding their personal circumstances
  3. explaining to group members the psychologist's experience in counseling other students on this issue
  4. establishing parameters with group members regarding confidentiality, rules, and expectations for participation

Correct Response: D. Counseling groups run more effectively when rules governing them are clearly stated, adherence to confidentially is mutually agreed upon, and expectations for participation are identified. When parameters are communicated at the outset of the group counseling sessions, group members are more likely to participate actively, creating opportunities for meaningful change and self-acceptance.

Competency 0008 
Apply knowledge of program management, research, and evidence-based practice.

8. A middle school implemented a conflict-resolution program at the beginning of the school year to support students' development of problem-solving skills. The program includes instruction in conflict-resolution strategies at all grade levels as well as small-group counseling of students who need additional behavioral support. The school psychologist has been asked to help evaluate the outcomes of this program at the end of the first year of implementation. The psychologist can best begin this evaluation by taking which of the following steps?

  1. meeting with teachers in each grade level to discuss their perceptions regarding changes in the number of referrals and the program's usefulness
  2. discussing with the school principal the specific criteria that will be used to qualify the program as successful
  3. analyzing data showing the number of referrals from the previous school year and the number of referrals by month since the program's implementation
  4. examining the school's current behavior expectations as well as the goals and objectives of the program

Correct Response: C. As a first step in determining the effectiveness of the conflict-resolution program, the school psychologist should analyze data showing the number of referrals from the previous school year and the number of referrals by month since the program's implementation. Comparing the number of referrals before and after implementation of the program would allow the school psychologist to determine if referrals related to peer conflicts increased or decreased and if there were any downward trends month-to-month. A reduction in peer conflict referrals is a straightforward metric that the school psychologist could use to make preliminary conclusions about the effectiveness of the program.

Competency 0009 
Apply knowledge of principles and processes for effective consultation and collaboration.

9. A ninth-grade English language learner enrolled in the district four months ago after emigrating from another country. The educational team is concerned about the student's chronic absenteeism and minimal participation in the learning activities in the classroom setting. After interviewing the student, the school psychologist is made aware of familial stress associated with acculturation and migration. Which of the following approaches would best support the student during this challenging transition?

  1. contacting the student's family to connect them with needed community and school-based services and resources
  2. providing teachers with differential instructional strategies to promote the student's development of English language skills
  3. offering the student culturally responsive counseling services to foster a sense of acceptance and respect
  4. providing teachers with articles and films depicting migration experiences to promote teachers' cultural competence

Correct Response: A. Given that the student identified family stress associated with acculturation and migration as a factor contributing to their absenteeism and minimal participation, a school psychologist would best support the student by contacting the parents/guardians to share information about community and school-based services and resources that may support their family needs. Newcomer families may have limited information about resources and services available to them; therefore, it is important to provide them with the information they need to access and benefit from these. Access to these services and resources would directly support the student's academic achievement and social/emotional well-being.

Competency 0010 
Apply knowledge of legal, ethical, and professional practice for school psychologists.

10. The problem-solving stage of the instructional consultant model of service delivery begins with the school psychologist engaging in which of the following activities?

  1. working with the teacher to articulate concerns in observable and measurable terms, defined as a gap between current and expected performance
  2. gathering information from the teacher and the family to include in a complete academic and behavioral history for the student in question
  3. explaining the expectations and responsibilities of participants throughout the consultation process
  4. observing the student in question during classroom instruction as well as in nonacademic settings

Correct Response: A. The instructional consultation model of service delivery is a framework developed to foster collaboration between school psychologists and classroom teachers to improve the quality of instruction and provide students with supports in the least-restrictive learning environment. The instructional consultation model of service delivery has five phases, which include establishing a relationship, identifying the problem, analyzing the problem, planning implementation, and planning for evaluation. The problem-solving stage of the instructional consultation model involves collaborating with teachers to define student concerns in observable and measurable terms.