The registration and score reporting services on this website will be temporarily unavailable on Tuesday, April 23, 2024, between 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Eastern Time, for system maintenance. We apologize for any inconvenience. Online-proctored exams scheduled during this time will not be affected; however, there may be a brief period where appointments may not be started. If you cannot begin your appointment, please wait a short period and then try again.

Requesting a Rescore and Diagnostic Feedback
for CEOE Tests Taken Since September 1, 2021

Selected-Response Questions

For selected-response questions, your answers are scored and then verified before your scores are reported. Therefore, further rescoring is not offered.

Constructed-Response Assignments

All constructed responses are scored according to standardized procedures. Scorers with relevant professional backgrounds are oriented to these procedures and are carefully monitored during scoring sessions. As part of the scoring process, all constructed responses are scored by multiple scorers and therefore have essentially already been rescored.

However, if you wish to have your constructed response(s) reevaluated, you may request a rescore of your constructed response for any of the CEOE tests that you have taken since September 1, 2021. This service includes additional diagnostic feedback. The fee for this rescore and feedback service is $75.

To request a rescore. A request for rescoring and diagnostic feedback can be submitted online using the Rescore Request Form. You must submit your request for this service within one calendar year beyond the score report date. Feedback will be provided within a 4-week period from the time of the request. Payment must be made by a credit card (VISA or MasterCard only) or a debit or check card that carries the VISA or MasterCard logo and that can be used without the entry of a personal identification number (PIN).

Contents of the rescore report. Before you purchase this service, the CEOE program wants you to be aware of the contents of the rescore report. As stated in the Rules of Test Participation, all test materials in the CEOE program, including test items and your response, are test secure. Therefore, you will not receive the prompt you answered nor your own written response in the rescore report.

All constructed-response assignments are initially scored by two independent scorers.

After your constructed-response assignment has been rescored, scorers will assemble specific feedback that is intended to help you understand where and how you can improve your response based on the four performance characteristics and scoring scale.

Performance Characteristics

The following characteristics guide the scoring of responses to the constructed-response assignment.

Characteristics that guide the scoring of responses
Purpose The extent to which the response achieves the purpose of the assignment
Subject Matter Knowledge Accuracy and appropriateness in the application of subject matter knowledge
Support Quality and relevance of supporting details
Rationale Soundness of argument and degree of understanding of the subject matter

Scoring Scale

Scores will be assigned to each response to the constructed-response assignment according to the following scoring scale.

Score Scale with description for each score point.
Score Point Score Point Description
4 The "4" response reflects a thorough knowledge and understanding of the subject matter.
  • The purpose of the assignment is fully achieved.
  • There is a substantial, accurate, and appropriate application of subject matter knowledge.
  • The supporting evidence is sound; there are high-quality, relevant examples.
  • The response reflects an ably reasoned, comprehensive understanding of the topic.
3 The "3" response reflects a general knowledge and understanding of the subject matter.
  • The purpose of the assignment is largely achieved.
  • There is a generally accurate and appropriate application of subject matter knowledge.
  • The supporting evidence generally supports the discussion; there are some relevant examples.
  • The response reflects a general understanding of the topic.
2 The "2" response reflects a partial knowledge and understanding of the subject matter.
  • The purpose of the assignment is partially achieved.
  • There is a limited, possibly inaccurate or inappropriate application of subject matter knowledge.
  • The supporting evidence is limited; there are few relevant examples.
  • The response reflects a limited, poorly reasoned understanding of the topic.
1 The "1" response reflects little or no knowledge and understanding of the subject matter.
  • The purpose of the assignment is not achieved.
  • There is little or no appropriate or accurate application of subject matter knowledge.
  • The supporting evidence, if present, is weak; there are few or no relevant examples.
  • The response reflects little or no reasoning about or understanding of the topic.
U The response is unscorable because it is illegible, not written to the assigned topic, written in a language other than English, or lacking a sufficient amount of original work to score.
B There is no response to the assignment.
Three components of your rescore report:
  1. You will receive comments directing you to each weak component of your specific response that you can improve, based on the performance characteristics.
    • For example, if you did not provide enough supporting information in your response, the comment might read:
      • "Your supporting evidence is limited: the examples provided are inadequate or inappropriate to the assignment" or
      • "Your supporting evidence is limited: though the response includes some relevant examples, there are not enough to support an adequate discussion"
  2. You will be provided with information about how to apply the comment(s), followed by a sample strong response from Subtest 1 of the Elementary Education assessment that illustrates how each of the performance characteristics is integral in assessing performance. The score report will feature only this Elementary Education sample response; if you did not take Elementary Education Subtest 1, a sample response from the test you took will not be provided.
    • For example, with regards to Support, the sample response will be highlighted so that you can see what high-quality, relevant supporting information is and how it is incorporated into a response.
  3. You will be provided with a brief summary of all of the above information.

Note: If you take the same test more than once and request a rescore of your constructed-response assignment more than once, there is a strong possibility that you will receive the same feedback in your rescore reports if improvements have not been made from one testing attempt to the next. This is not an error. Instead, scorers have assessed your most recent response and have independently found the same sources of weakness and areas that need improvement. Please be aware of this possibility, and study and remediate to change and improve your response if retaking the same test.

Resolution. In the event that the rescoring process results in a score alteration for the constructed response, you will be issued a corrected score report, and your records will be updated.

  • If your constructed-response score alteration results in a passing status for the total test, your rescoring fee will be refunded.
  • If your constructed-response score is altered but does not result in a change in the total test passing status, your rescoring fee will not be refunded.

If the original score is confirmed, you will be sent a letter indicating that the score has been confirmed. In this case, your rescoring fee will not be refunded.

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