Study Guide

Field 020: French
Sample Selected-Response Questions

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Test Directions for the Selected-Response Questions

This section of the test consists of selected-response questions, each of which has four answer choices. Read each question carefully and choose the ONE best answer. Try to answer all questions. Even if you are unsure of an answer, it is better to guess than not to answer a question at all. You will NOT be penalized for guessing.

Sample Selected-Response Questions

Competency 0007
Transform sentences or passages in context according to given instructions.

1. Choose the best transformation of the sentence below into the negative.

Chacun a apporté des fleurs.

  1. Personne a apporté de fleurs.
  2. Personne n'a pas apporté de fleurs.
  3. Personne n'a apporté des fleurs.
  4. Personne n'a apporté de fleurs.

Competency 0008
Analyze sentences to determine grammatically correct words or phrases to complete them.

2. Choose the correct verb form to complete the sentence below.

Hier nous nous __________ à six heures.

  1. avons levé
  2. sommes levés
  3. levions
  4. lèverions

Competency 0009
Revise written passages to correct errors in structure and syntax that interfere with accurate communication.

3. The sentence below contains one grammatical error. Choose the correct sequence of words and phrases to replace the underlined words and phrases.

Marcel nous a demandé s'il pouvait emprunter notre voiture parce que le sien était au garage.

  1. ont demandé/pouvait/la sienne/au
  2. a demandé/pourra/la sienne/au
  3. a demandé/pouvait/la sienne/au
  4. a demandé/pouvait/le sien/à la

Competency 0010
Understand the historical development, geographic features, and social characteristics of francophone cultures.

4. The city of Verdun is best known as the:

  1. site of a famous Romanesque abbey that dates from the ninth century.
  2. birthplace of the poetical art of the troubadours during the Middle Ages.
  3. site of a famous battle against the German army during World War I.
  4. principal source of resistance to the French Revolution in the eighteenth century.

Competency 0010
Understand the historical development, geographic features, and social characteristics of francophone cultures.

5. Under whose administration did Algeria gain its independence from France?

  1. Georges Pompidou
  2. Charles de Gaulle
  3. Valéry Giscard d'Estaing
  4. Philippe Pétain

Competency 0011
Understand the achievements of francophone cultures in the areas of literature, the nonliterary arts, science, and technology.

6. Which of the following authors introduced the stream-of-consciousness style into French literature in the series of novels collected under the title À la recherche du temps perdu?

  1. Marcel Proust
  2. André Malraux
  3. Honoré de Balzac
  4. Émile Zola